Minor scratches has always created an issue and reduces the overall look of the car massively, there are certain things which everybody knows regarding this issue but still minor scratches are part and parcel for the owner of the car. Now there is no need to worry about those minor gifts which the environment is providing you, buffing is the answer to all the issues regarding minor cuts and scratches (let us remind, minor cuts and scratches), although professional help is required for such activity but thanks to the YouTube and Google one can handle such situation himself/herself, mentioned below are some DIY steps for buffing: 

Give your car a good shower:  As buffing involved some application of solutions and polishing (including wax, polish and buffer) one has to clean the surface thoroughly in order to enhance the application properly. Use normal car shampoo or soap water (made it yourself using a normal soap and some warm water), apply it on the car buffing in Sydney normally and wash the car thoroughly make sure wipe all the water before we moving on the next step. 

Cover the area: Since the buffing process involves lot of heat, since the machine roller will generate enough heat which can damage the other area of the car (which definitely cannot be repaired by any buffing process), for this step use the normal tape to mask the area such as: signature of the car, glasses, mufflers or any other plastic area which can be affected with the heat. Make sure to properly mask the area which do not require any buffing or can get damaged due to excessive heat. 

Buff it up: here comes the important action part, where we have to stay careful and handle things properly, actually buffing eliminates the oxidation and minute scratches which have become a permanent guests on the car’s surface, best way to use the buff is to first start with the tool (which comes with the kit) with the abrasive side move it with a flat posture, don’t tilt or make any other angle just press a bit and rub in circular motions properly (keeping the surface of the wool item flat). It will eventually remove the minor scratches and layers. 

Polishing: this is simply duplication of the second step but; with the foam and polish in the box. Just simply follow the same circular motion, in order to polish the rough surface (which is a result of buffing). 

Wax: in order to save the polish and to fill out the remaining scratches (which are there even after buffing). Again try to cover every inch where you think buffing remainders are present, it will give the car a glossy look and will fill the remaining scratches and rough surface. 

Lastly after waxing one can remove the mask (the tape) from the plastic area and clean the plastic area with a wet cloth.  

Optional step: Of course after the complete buffing process, the whole car will give a bright look except the rims of the car; buy a spray which can help giving a shiny look to the tires of the car. One must do the buffing thing at least once in a year in order to avoid that situation where even buffing won’t work. buff-car